Sunday, June 30, 2013

Incredible Creator Build 10234 Sydney Opera House - Extreme Edition

Another non Technic set that I think qualifies because it is labeled 'Expert' and did I mention yet, it is HUGE!  It comes with 2989 pieces and is a much larger more complete version of the Sydney Opera House that was realized in the Architecture series under the number 21012.  This new version is truly a marvel to behold and is coming September 1 of 2013 for a modest 319.99.  I guess we will have to start saving now.  Check out the pics below and follow the link to the Lego page here for more details.

Some pieces that may be of interest are the rare 1x1x2/3 stud and 1x2x2/3 stud slopes in dark tan as well as a 48x48 stud baseplate in blue for the first time!  Curious note when you follow the link above:  One of the Tags for this product is 'Girls'.  I am now going to check all of the new sets and see if that is current tag....

What do you think about the new set?  We are already counting down on the Calendar for this and the other new Technic sets that are yet to make it to our area....

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